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Strategy & Innovation
— in action

Brands call us when they get stuck.

Or when growth opportunities remain untapped.

Covalent looks at problems from a different perspective...

...and creates momentum where it matters most.

We are fortunate to work with a wide range of innovative brands. Large & small. B2B & B2C. And we deliver social innovation for institutional partners.

Partners who love us tend to fit into one of three categories:

- Resource challenged teams (short on time, talent or expertise) on deadline
- Frustrated executives who want to see action — now
- Leaders who’s key initiatives need fresh eyes, energy and momentum

While we have deep category experience, we are hired for our range, versatility, and lateral thinking/framing/storytelling capabilities.

Category experience:
- Consumer Electronics
- Retail & eCommerce
- Media
- Mobility/Connectivity
- Gaming
- Fashion
- Accessories
- Fitness
- Loyalty
- Services
- Education/University
- Financial Services
- Airlines
- Auto
- Spirits
- SaaS
- Outdoor Sports
- B-Corps

Blending contemporary tools — human centric design, lean startup, and our proprietary, pragmatic, perspective — we create momentum.

Regardless of domain (marketing, innovation, partnerships) common deliverables include:

- Customer driven strategies, plans and roadmaps
- Audits and assessments
- Active partner outreach and cultivation
- Product and value proposition development
- Activation strategy and planning
- Targeted support (talent, coaching, project management, staff augmentation)
- Custom

Covalent is built for speed and impact.

- 30 Day QuickStart workshops
- 90 Day Sprints
- Retained to design and deliver something that's never been done before.

We are strategic sprinters–creating action in 30 days vs. 30 months.

Our team has produced powerful outcomes in customer and brand strategy for over 30 years.  Engage us to take a customer centric, strategic perspective on your current challenges.

We start with the consumer — and your existing data — to anchor the strategy.

We frame up problems and opportunities in a “jobs to be done” framework.

We are proven igniters and creators who bring world class products, propositions, and programs to life.

For innovation, we take a hybrid approach.

Covalent utilizes tools and techniques from the world of human centric design (empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test)...

...and integrates lean startup principles (focus on ICP, MVP, rapid-cycle testing, sprint methodologies) to ignite momentum for your most critical initiatives.

Outcomes can be a new product, service, partnership, or even a new business model.

Covalent’s Five Factor Analysis drives the development of next level partnerships. We are relentless about evaluating and framing opportunities against 5 criteria:

- Values alignment
- Audience overlap
- Specific Partnership Job To Be Done
- Asset alignment
- Commitment & Commerce

We’ve built strategic partnerships with some of the world’s most innovative and impressive brands.

Emerging or established, we deliver more value, more strategically, with less time and investment.

We exist to create value for our clients and respect that not all needs fit into a clean and special box.

Set up time with a Senior Strategist to help evaluate if we can help.

Common custom engagements include talent assessment & coaching, virtual CMO & staff augmentation, advanced analytics, business model refinement, and more.
Organizations creating with Covalent Partners