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The M in Fractional CMO

So what do we make of the Fractional CMO movement? We are all for it provided both the organization and the factional CMO talent are on the same page as it relates to scope, skills, and success factors. At Covalent we ask everyone what kind of M they are looking for in their fractional CMO. Knowing what you need as an organization is critical in matching the right experience and skills because not all fractional talent is interchangeable. And for fractional talent, being successful in the role requires honest conversations around responsibilities and accountabilities. Clear expectations for both parties is essential in a one-size-does-not-fit-all world.
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How to get into the brand collab game? Start here.
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How Lego collabed their way out of debt and into the cultural mainstream
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Food & Beverage
How Easter became the Peeps show
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Food & Beverage
Best Super Bowl Collab
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Five Collab Types Every Brand Can Use
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Life is Good Brand Collab Strategy Breakdown
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Mint Mobile x Arizona Iced Tea Brand Collab
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Nike x Tiffany. A Legendary Pair.
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Collab Strategy is Brand Strategy.
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The "Power Three" Collab Top Tips
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Top Five Reasons To Collab.
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Food & Beverage
A Tale of Two Collabs
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Why brand collabs fail...and 10 ways to fix them
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How To Write a Collab Brief
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How to Start Your First Brand x Brand Collaboration
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Don’t Discount Collabs this Holiday!
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Food & Beverage
Halloween (Branding) Hookups and Candy Collabs
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Louis Vuitton x Supreme
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